World Renowned Fish Processing Equipment


Pisces Fish Machinery has been working with both on board and shore-based processors since 1998. Our technicians and design staff have worked with the industry to produce our line of machine. They have incorporated the feed back from the end used into Pisces pelagic line.

Herring Sexing line.


HG Series Roller Graders

Sorts fish into four separate grades by passing the fish between parallel rollers that gradually open the gap between them as the fish pass down the length of the roller. A fifth oversize grade at the end of the grader. The graders are usual supplied with an infeed hopper, inspection conveyor, vibrating in-feed tray and conveyors to remove the fish from under the machine.


FSC-4000 Flow through Scaler

The FSC is designed to continually scale fish as the enter the processing line.

The fish are scaled in a rotary drum as they travel though. The machine which has adjustable speed and angle of the drum to accommodate for the varying condition of the fish.


SF-14 Dressing Machine

The SF-14 produces a head-off belly open fish. The machine combines a heading and eviscerating unit. The eviscerating unit opens the fishes belly and uses a combination of wheels and brushes to remove all the viscera and clean the bloodline/kidney. The machine has between two and four operators depending on the operating speeds. The machine operates between 120 and 280 fish per minute.



The PN-400 produces a head and tail off belly closed product. The PN-400 uses vacuum to remove the viscera. The machine operates between 180 and 300 fish per minute with two to five operators. The machine can process a fish up to 400mm long. A cut to length option is available to ensure the fish is the right size for canning.


NFB-481 Herring Butterfly Filleting System

The NFB-481 can produces both split and butterfly fillets. The machine operates at speeds of up to 300 pieces per minute with two to four operators. In addition to filleting, the NFB-481 can produce dressed fish and if equipped with an optional vacuum nozzle and vacuum system it can also produce nobbed fish.


MC-024 Gender Sorting System

The Pisces MC-024 sorts the roe females from the milt bearing males. This is done with an inferred beam which can pass through the females but not the males. The machine rejects male at a 99% rate while allowing the more valuable females to continue. Once sorted the males can be sent to filleting and the females to roe processing.